leisure travel Toronto

How to Balance Business Meetings and Leisure Time during Corporate Travel

How to Balance Business Meetings and Leisure Time during Corporate Travel

You have just landed in a stunning foreign city for business travel, but suddenly, you realize that your busy schedule leaves little room to enjoy the sights. Corporate travel often presents this paradox: though you are in an interesting place, your time is controlled by business meetings, reports, and networking events.

Is there any way to maintain the balance between professional commitments and leisure time? The answer is yes. With strategic planning and thoughtful tips, you can fully utilize your leisure time during corporate travel.

In today’s competing business environment, the concept of “bleisure” travel is becoming popular among corporate travelers. The idea is to utilize the comprehensive benefits of a corporate trip by integrating leisure activities into one’s schedule.

This not only increases your overall travel experience but also improves productivity and job satisfaction among employees. But how do you strike that perfect balance between work and play? This article explains some crucial tips that will make your business travel enjoyable and productive.

Plan Ahead and Set Clear Priorities

Before plunging into a business trip, plan your schedule in detail.

 Once you have a clear work picture, prioritize your business commitments and filter out non-negotiable meetings or events that you can’t miss. Then, you can plan your leisure time accordingly.

Use your downtime between meetings efficiently. Research local attractions, nearby dining options or cultural experiences that you enjoy during your free time. Once you prioritize your work and leisure activities, you can enjoy every aspect of your corporate travel without feeling guilty about neglecting either aspect.

Optimize Your Schedule

When preparing your business travel itinerary, aim to cluster your meetings and work-related activities.

Plan back-to-back meetings in the morning or afternoon if possible, leaving larger blocks of free time for leisure activities. This way, you can focus on work-related activities during a particular half of the day and relax or explore the next half.

If your meetings are spread out, utilize the gaps fruitfully. Instead of waiting in a hotel room, find a nearby café or park where you can unwind while being productive. This way, you can maximize your time without compromising the core activities.

Choose Accommodations Wisely

The right accommodations strikingly impact your capability to balance work and leisure.

Choose hotels adjacent to prime locations so that you can efficiently commute to your meeting venues and key attractions. This will not only minimize your travel time but also help you comfortably switch between business and leisure activities.

Select a hotel that offers both work and relaxation amenities. For example, a business centre or meeting room could be the best place for last-minute preparations, while a spa, gym, or rooftop bar provides ample opportunities to unwind after a hectic day.

 Some hotels even offer bleisure travel packages to their corporate guests, which might include guided city tours, discounted tickets for prime attractions, or special wellness services.

Recommended reading: The Rise of Bleisure Travel: Trends and Statistics in 2024

 Leverage Technology

Technology is your best companion when you try balancing business, work, and leisure.

Many travel apps display nearby attractions, allow you to book tickets, and help you manage your schedule. These apps even offer real-time updates on local events, helping you utilize your free time in the best possible ways.

Practice Mindful Time Management

Every corporate traveler should have adequate time management knowledge to harmonize business and leisure.

Review your schedules at the start of your day and identify key priorities. Allocate specific time slots for work and leisure and try to maintain them as much as possible.

At the same time, you should also be flexible during your corporate travel. Business travel includes unforeseen changes, such as rescheduled meetings or travel disruptions. In these scenarios, you need to reconsider your priorities and fine-tune your schedule accordingly.

Mindful time management helps you be aware of how you spend your time and make sensible choices that align with your business objectives and leisure.

Embrace Local Culture

One of the biggest advantages of business travel is it gives you plenty of opportunities to connect and explore different cultures.

Don’t miss the chance to explore local culture, even if you have gone for a short trip. Visit a local market, attend a cultural event, or take a walking tour of the city. These experiences will not only make your travel rewarding but also provide you with a new perspective and oodles of ideas that you can implement in your work.

Moreover, participating in local culture and activities is the best way to relax after a busy day of meetings. It allows you to leave your business mindset and fully engross yourself in the experience of being in a new place.

Stay Healthy and Energized

Balancing business and leisure at the time of corporate travel can be challenging.

But you need to maintain your health and well-being for a successful and productive business trip. Drink plenty of water, eat a balanced diet, and get proper rests. Do regular exercises in your hotel room, whether a morning walk or a yoga session. This will keep you energetic and focused throughout your trip.

If possible, infuse wellness activities into your leisure time, such as a visit to a nearby spa centre, a meditation session, or a scenic hike. These activities enrich your overall travel experience and also ensure that you are the best performer in your company’s business commitments.

Reflect and Recharge

Try to spend time with yourself to evaluate your experiences throughout the day. What did you achieve in your corporate meetings? How did you enjoy your leisure time? This reflection can help you appreciate the balance you have accomplished and recognize areas for enhancement on future trips.

And yes, allocate some time to recharge yourself. Whether you enjoy a lazy evening with a good book, take a stroll, or simply relax in your hotel room while switching off the lights, ensure that you have some downtime to de-stress. This will set a positive attitude and help you stay active and motivated throughout the trip.

Recommended reading: How to Stay Productive While Travelling for Business


Balancing business meetings and leisure time during corporate travel is not just possible—it can be gratifying.

By following the above-mentioned tips, you can not only make your business travel successful but also enjoy its benefits for both work and leisure. Remember, the key to successful leisure travel lies in mindful time management, staying healthy, and embracing the unique opportunities each destination offers.

So, business travel is more rewarding when you choose YYZ Travel Corporate, a professional corporate travel agency in Toronto. Having 38 years of experience, our experts know how to make a business trip productive yet enjoyable for corporate employees. From travel management to bookings and transportation services, our travel advisors will assist you in every step.

If you want to spend your leisure time efficiently during your corporate trip, contact YYZ Travel Corporate for unforgettable leisure travel Toronto. In the comment section, let us know how you want to balance your business meetings and leisure time.